

Safety and security are paramount concerns in the vast realm of online marketplaces. At, we are committed to creating a haven of trust and credibility for our users. Our Anti-Scam Policy is a testament to our unwavering dedication to this cause.

Identification and Prevention:

  • Vigilant Monitoring: Our team employs a comprehensive approach to safeguard our platform. We continually scrutinize and identify potential scams and deceptive listings on Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and manual checks, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to detect and deter suspicious activities.
  • Proactive Education: Prevention is key. We proactively equip our users with the knowledge to spot common scam tactics and recognize potential fraudulent listings. Knowledge is a powerful tool in the fight against scams.

Reporting Scams:

  • User Vigilance Encouraged: We wholeheartedly encourage users to report suspicious activity or listings. If you have reason to believe a listing is a scam or fraudulent, we urge you to report it immediately to our diligent customer support team at
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Report the scam in every detail. To aid in the investigation, please provide as much information as possible, including the listing's title, contact information, and any pertinent evidence or communication you may have had.

User Safety Measures:

  • Caution Advised: We strongly advise all users to exercise caution when engaging with potential users on our platform. Safety begins with vigilance.
  • Guard Your Information: Avoid sharing sensitive personal data, financial particulars, or login credentials with unknown parties. Your information is precious; protect it.
  • Safe Meetings: Opt for face-to-face transactions in secure public locations whenever possible. An extra layer of safety never hurts.
  • Secure Payments: Choose secure and advanced payment methodsor avoid wire transfers to unfamiliar users. Safety extends to financial matters.

Verification & Trust:

  • Authenticate users: To build trust, we encourage users to verify the authenticity of listings before entering into transactions.
  • Reputation Matters: Consider checking a user's reputation and the feedback from other users, if available. Trustworthiness often reveals itself in reputation.
  • Informed Decision-Making: While we cannot guarantee the authenticity of every person, we equip our users with tools and guidelines to make informed choices.

Prohibited Activities:

  • Strict Prohibitions: Scams, fraud, and deceptive practices are unequivocally forbidden on Our commitment to a safe environment is non-negotiable.
  • Consequences for Wrongdoers: Users engaged in fraudulent activities face account suspension or termination and may be reported to the relevant authorities. Accountability is a must.

User Education:

  • A Wealth of Knowledge: Our dedication to user education is unwavering. We provide valuable resources to enhance user safety when navigating
  • Valuable Resources: Check out our blog and help center for insightful information on recognizing and avoiding scams. Education is empowerment.

Cooperation with Law Enforcement:

  • Legal Collaboration: maintains an unwavering commitment to collaborating with the police to combat and investigate fraudulent activities on our platform.
  • Legal Compliance: We may share pertinent information with law enforcement authorities when compelled by law or in response to legal requests. Upholding the law is essential.

Contact Us:

  • Reach Out: If you have any concerns about our Policy or find any mistrustful activity on, don't hesitate to contact our dedicated customer support team at

In closing, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for being an integral part of the community. Your safety and trust rank paramount in our mission, and we are unwavering in our commitment to providing a secure and reliable platform for all. Together, we can create an environment free from scams and foster a positive online experience for all our users.